Sergey Turukhanov
In 2014 he graduated from the Buryat State University with a degree in Geology, Prospecting, and Exploration of Mineral Deposits.
He has been working as a local geologist for JSC "Buryatzoloto", as a geologist for JSC "Polymetal UK" in Magadan. Work experience in geology for 6 years. For such a short experience, I managed to work at the stages from prospecting and appraisal to operational and exploration work.
He currently works at GeoSolutions in calculating mineral reserves.
Application of RC-Drilling Data in Ore Reserve Estimation
The use of RC-drilling technology in geological exploration significantly reduces the cost of exploration and increases the rate of ore extraction. RC drilling data is commonly used in many Russian mining enterprises for operational exploration. However, RC-drilling data is not used for reserves calculations for the State Reservers Commission - GKZ, The report highlights the global use of RC drilling, the main errors that occur during RC drilling, possible measures to manage these errors, ways to substantiate the reliability and the possibility of estimating reserves based on RC drilling data.