Rostislav Bilik
AGR Software
Rostislav V. Bilik In 2000 graduated Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University majoring in automation and control systems. In 2000-2004 studied in the graduate school in the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" majoring in system analysis, control system and data processing. In 2004 earned PhD by successfully defending the thesis “Improving control over braking and acceleration of the rail transport”. In 1999-2005 Rostislav Bilik worked for HC “Leninets” developing embedded software for aircraft radars and rail transport. In 2004 he became the head of a software engineering laboratory. In 2005-2010 Rostislav worked for Motorola, where in various positions (from an engineer to the acting architect of a big international project) was engaged in projects on telematics software engineering for Daimler Chrysler and Continental. Since 2010 Rostislav has been leading the AGR development project (automation of geological exploration). In 2015 the project became an independent business run by AGR Software LLC, with Rostislav Bilik as Director General.
Digital-driven core. 2nd generation integrated workstation for a logging geologist
As the world is moving towards increasing productivity, new technologies, robotisation and artificial intelligence are used. Our company’s mission is to adopt cutting-edge technologies so as to effectively reach specific production targets, i.e. carry out logging, and ideally, to fully automate the process. Last year we presented the concept of the 1st generation workstation of a logging geologist. It was an inclined roller table equipped with a photo camera, digital weighing scale, barcode reader and AGR software. However, that was just the first step in the complex approach. Over the past year, we have considerably upgraded the complex and turned it into a truly automated workstation. Now it can be integrated into the production chain, from moving core boxes and core thawing to digital logging and dispatching the core for cutting. To enable the process, the workstation features the thawing system, compressed air and water hoses. In addition, it was integrated with the GeRDa unit (geochemical research and documentation assistant allowing getting high-resolution photos). As a result, we have achieved an extraordinary quality of logging. Moreover, we have obtained initial data (labeled datasets) to solve the problem of AI-based automatic documentation which will bring the technology to the next level.