Oleg Kazanov
General Director
All-Russian Scientific-research Institution of Mineral Resources after named N.M. Fedorovsky
Oleg Kazanov - General Director of the Russian Mineral Resource Institute. The graduate of the Faculty of Geology, St. Petersburg State University 1996. 1996-2003 - lecturer at St. Petersburg University 2004-2008 - work at KMGS (Bema Gold), geologist - the lead geologist - the chief geologist. 2009-2016 - Chief Geologist of Central Kola Expedition OJSC, 2017 - 2018 - Chief Geologist of VIMS Federal State Budgetary Institute. Since 2020 - General Director of the Institute. The Head of exploration projects at the IPY, gold, iron, titanium, technical garnet. Current projects include additional exploration of the Sukhoi Log gold deposit, prospecting for chrome in the Polar Urals, exploration of the Malmyzh Cu deposit. Freelance expert FBU "GKZ" and "Rosgeolexpertiza".
Exploration in the Russian Federation: Plans and Expectations
There is a steady growth in investment in exploration for solid minerals, primarily due to the increasing number of licenses issued on a declarative basis. Most of the work is carried out by large subsoil user companies and is concentrated in the exploration stage, at already known sites. At the same time the main large deposits of highly liquid minerals have already been approved for licensing, so in the near future it is possible to reduce the number of works at the exploration stage. However, this may be offset by new discoveries at the early stages of work. Analysis of the current situation shows that the pool of prospecting objects is exhausted - more and more licenses on the declarative principle are being received without reserves and projected resources. There is a need to actively prepare new prospecting and evaluation areas, including at the expense of the federal budget.