Evgeny Baraboshkin


Leading R&D Engineer. Geology and Machine learning
Digital Petroleum

Evgeny graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University Geology department in 2017. The main field of study was sedimentology and paleoichnology. He participated in an explorational mapping government program, various research projects, and students' sedimentological practice courses organization.

In 2017 began working with data at Skoltech while simultaneously studying and mastering machine learning methods and programming. He applied those skills later in different projects based on machine learning methods application in geology.

Since 2017 he was enrolled in a PhD program "Petroleum Engineering" at Skoltech.
He currently works at Digital Petroleum company, leading full-bore core photo analysis software product development named "DeepCore".

MINE DIGITAL Competition
07 October 2021 / 11:00 - 13:00 | Pushkin Hall

Automatic core description system "DeepCore"

The DeepCore full-bore core image processing system allows a user to describe the core automatically.

Objective classification results of unlimited core quantity were made possible within 2-5 minutes by machine learning methods, convolutional neural networks, and computer vision algorithms. A user should only upload an image of the core box, taken on a smartphone or camera with depth reference.

As a result of several easy steps, the user receives a classification of core rocks in tabular and graphical form with prediction accuracy. The file format enables a user to export the results easily for further work in any software.

The descriptive precision is up to 95%. DeepCore reduces by 100 times core investigation costs and accelerates its description by 7 times. To access the software from any part of the world – a user should only register on deepcore.petroleum.digital and use it right away.

The DeepCore is the first app for automated core description, which can be accessed worldwide.