Artem Serebrennikov
General Director
Aerodyne Rus
Cleaning chamber scanning using Aerodyne UAVs and data processing, wireframing and volume counting in GGIS Micromine.
At mining enterprises, the urgent task of filming treatment chambers to determine the volume of ore mined. To solve this problem, it was proposed to use an M300 drone equipped with a HoverMap scanner and a Micromine GGIS. A drone with a scanner will be able to conduct a full scan of the roadway. All survey data will be imported into GGIS Micromine and the resulting data will be processed to quickly build a three-dimensional model of the camera, from which the volume will be calculated.
The main advantage of the implementation of such a solution is the accurate determination of the contour of the mine working, an increase in the speed of survey and data processing, the seamless integration of new technologies into the existing business processes of the enterprise.