Alexey Tsoy


Chief technology officer
Bystrinsky Mining and Concentration Plant

Education: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, World Economy Camborne School of Mines (Exeter University), Mining Engineering Work experience: Since 2019 - Chief Technology Officer of Bystrinsky Mining and Concentration Plant 2015–2018 - Chief Corporate Consultant, CSA Global Ltd (UK. 2013–2018 - CEO Moscow Department of CSA Global 2010–2013 - Regional Consulting Manager for Russia and the CIS, Micromine.

SESSION 3 - «Mining Goes Digital» Conference
07 October 2021 / 11:20 - 13:00 | Main Hall

Optimizing Ore Preparation Using Theory of Constraints, or How and Why We Expanded Onsite Laboratory Capacity

The Bystrinsky mining and processing plant has increased the efficiency of the chemical analytical laboratory through the use of the principles of the theory of constraints and by the introduction of new methods for the analysis of geological samples and modern equipment.