Vsevolod Shulyakovskiy


Chief of 3D laser scanning department

In 1994 he graduated from Naval School named after M.V. Frunze by specialty engineer-hydrograph, served in the hydrographic parts of the Black Sea Fleet, From 2002 and until now engaged in the promotion of laser scanning technologies in the leading distribution company in Russian market.

06 October 2021 / 11:00 - 12:30 | Glinka Hall

New products for laser scanning with UAV

The development of aerial laser scanning equipment continues under the influence of several trends. The growing frequency of scanning of traditional systems designed for both manned vehicles and unmanned vehicles, which is growing from year to year, is no longer news and is taken for granted. Specialists in laser scanning are interested only in updating the very figure - the indicator of the scanning frequency, which, of course, will be updated again. In this sense, the question is reasonable: is there any limit in achieving new and new scan rates? The bottleneck of all systems in increasing productivity is seen as a limitation not so much of the frequency of scanning pulses emitted by a laser scanner, as a limitation in the maximum number of lines or scan lines produced by a particular instrument. And if the pulse frequencies of the most modern systems are already counted in digits with six zeros, then the line frequency is still at the level of the first hundred lines per second. What does this affect and why is it worth paying attention to this ?! All data scientists want to see a very specific and well-readable picture on their monitors, and not the one that some instruments produce despite the declared high frequency of the emitted laser pulses.