Viktor Maslov
Head of chemical and analytical laboratory
Bystrinsky Mining and Concentration Plant
Viktor Maslov graduated from East Kazakhstan State University in 2009 with a degree in Analytical Chemistry. Received additional education: in 2008 - "Operation of Atomic Emission ICP Spectrometers" from the worldwide leading supplier of analytical instruments Spectro Analytical Instruments, Germany; in 2010 - "Operation of pressure vessels"; in 2014 - “Internal Auditor of the Quality Management System” of the National Center for Expertise and Certification, Kazakhstan; 2017 - "Execution of assay analysis of concentrate samples", Alfred H Knight Analytical Laboratory, UK.
Optimizing Ore Preparation Using Theory of Constraints, or How and Why We Expanded Onsite Laboratory Capacity
The Bystrinsky mining and processing plant has increased the efficiency of the chemical analytical laboratory through the use of the principles of the theory of constraints and by the introduction of new methods for the analysis of geological samples and modern equipment.