Peter Karakchiev 
Head of International Cooperation Department
Peter Karakchiev heads the International Cooperation Department, responsible for a wide range of international activities of PJSC ALROSA. With his direct participation, the Company joined the World Diamond Council (WDC) and became a certified member of the RJC, and also participated in the creation of the Natural Diamond Council (NDC, formerly DPA) as a founder. Peter Karakchiev is also involved in promoting the initiatives of PJSC ALROSA in the field of sustainable development within the framework of the relevant areas of the ESG agenda not only within the Company but also within the framework of industry cooperation, supporting the efforts and contribution of the diamond mining industry to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. From 2018 to the present, he is a vice-chairman of RJC - the industry organisation promoting responsible business standards and principles of sustainable development.
Implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the diamond mining industry
Showcasing ALROSA's practice and accumulated experience in promoting sustainable development and introducing ESG indicators into the Company.