Denis Arkhipenko
Head of Mine Surveying and Subsoil Use Department
Digital transformation of management processes and engineering support of open pit mining at Stroyservice coal deposits.
Currently, at one of the company's assets, the Barzasskoye Partnership coal mine, a geoinformation complex for mining management based on K-mine has been introduced. Its tasks are complex automation of management processes and engineering support of open-pit mining operations. GIS provided:
- creation of a block digital model of the developed coal deposit of the III complexity group of mountain areas Gusinsky and Barzassky and mining facilities technology. The 3D-geological model of the Barzasskoye Partnership open-cast mine - of the highest degree of detail - makes it possible to plan and carry out the coal mining process as accurately as possible online. The digital twin displays tectonic faults of various shapes and degrees of complexity, the geometrical structure of coal seams (uneven thickness, steep bedding, etc.). ;
- complex solution of mining-geological and mining-technical tasks (mine surveying, geology, planning and design of mining operations, integration with existing systems of dispatching transport control, precise positioning by drilling rigs, and ERP systems of the enterprise;
- sharing of models by several services.