Andrey Nemirovskiy
Head of the Digital Transformation Department of the Ore Division "Stoilensky"
Ph.D. Science (Engineering)
He began his professional career in 2010 at Stoilensky GOK, having worked his way up from an assistant excavator driver to the head of the digital transformation department. In 2011, he set the task of reducing the dusting of enrichment wastes and proposed a practical solution to the environmental problem, having defended his thesis and receiving a Ph.D. Science (Engineering) degree. Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Professional Engineer of Russia" and laureate of the A. A. Ugarov Prize. From 2013 to 2021, he was engaged in operational efficiency and implementation of "lean" manufacturing as the head of Lean Six Sigma, which is responsible for the implementation and development of the direction of mathematical and statistical data analysis for the practical solution of production problems. He has was involved in the implementation of more than 20 rapid improvement projects with an economic effect of more than 150 million rubles per year. More than 10 digital products were successfully transferred to the development stage with an actual economic effect of more than 160 million rubles.
Advanced Process Control System
The system is designed to control ore processing. Optimization algorithm looks for the best equipment operating regime where incoming ore quality is given and one or more optimization criteria are met, such as:
- increase in productivity;
- improvement of the concentrate quality;
- cost reduction (e.g. loss of useful content in tailings, electricity, etc.).
The system is implemented as an intelligent superstructure over the existing SCADA.