Alexey Trusov
Head of Geological and Geophysical Technologies Department
Alexey Trusov graduated with honors from the Geophysical Faculty of the Moscow Geological Prospecting University in 2000. Since 2006 he has been working at the State Research and Production Enterprise "Aerogeophysics" as a leading geophysicist, and since 2010 - the head of the data interpretation department.
He is the author and co-author of over 70 publications, research interests - processing and interpretation of non-seismic methods, complex interpretation of geological and geophysical data.
Lightweight and ultralight UAVs and their application for geophysical surveys and other uses
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ultralight manned aircraft has been actively developing aerogeophysics. In most cases, they can significantly reduce the costs of operational assessment of a licensed territory. Currently, UAVs of multi-rotor and aircraft types are actively used; systems with vertical take-off and landing (for example, convertiplanes) are less common. Carriers with electric motors are widely used due to their ease of operation, however, UAVs with internal combustion engines or hybrid installations can significantly increase the flight duration. In addition to economic advantages, the use of unmanned and ultralight manned aircraft makes it possible to carry out surveys of increased detail, performing flights at a minimum safe height with detailed terrain enveloping, which allows maintaining a constant height of the measuring sensors above the earth's surface. The choice of an aircraft should be determined by the optimal airborne geophysical complex, which makes it possible to solve the set geological problems in specific geomorphological conditions.
New aero electrical prospecting system HoriZON
Airborne electrical prospecting using the method of transient processes (AMPP) is currently one of the most effective technologies for prospecting and evaluation of mineralisation areas. The HoriZOND new generation impulse airborne electrical survey system was created using modern electrical engineering and the operating experience of various airborne electrical survey complexes. The presentation will show the field results of using this system.